Penny Wise, Pound Foolish? – Not always!

hospital plan

“I will tell you how to save money on your monthly contribution for a hospital plan without decreasing your benefits.”

This blog was written by one of our brokers, JM van der Sandt.

“We tend to always believe the “old” advice from our elders.  The most common one I remember is penny wise, pound foolish. I agree with that statement around 99% of the time, but let me tell you why not 100% of the time.

When searching for the meaning of penny wise, pound foolish on Wikipedia, I did not really get an answer.  However, what stood out for me was that they also referred to the saying: “Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves”

Seeing that this blog is about medical aid schemes, I will tell you how to save money on your monthly contribution for a hospital plan.  That is, of course, without decreasing your benefits.  In fact, you will increase your benefits!

I can do so by saying three words: GENESIS MEDICAL SCHEME!

With the most affordable premium in the industry, taking into consideration that the Private Choice option of Genesis is not income based, this is the must have hospital plan!

Below are some of the unique benefits of this option:

  • Unlimited hospital cover at ANY private hospital in South Africa
  • Chronic cover for approved conditions (PMB’s Only)
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation (ER24)
  • MRI & CT scans while admitted into hospital
  • Dentistry benefit of R25 000 per beneficiary pa.

Best of all is the contribution: R900.00 per month per adult, R320.00 per month for the first child and only R185.00 per additional child. So, for a family of 2 adults and 2 children at only R2305.00 per month allowing you unlimited freedom of choice and such extensive dental benefits are nowhere to be found.

JM van der Sandt is a Director at NINE Before Financial Consulting, a Registered Financial Services Provider.

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