Genesis Medical Scheme Smartphone App


  1. “GENESIS”, “we”, “us” and “our” means Genesis Medical Scheme.
  2.  “this App” means this Smartphone Application that is provided by Genesis and that is installed or downloaded from an online application store for access via a smartphone and/or tablet device and/or any other mobile device.
  3. The information and other materials provided by this App are of a member specific nature (where applicable) and/or of a general nature.  Use of this App is intended for educational, communication and information purposes only.  Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this App, Genesis shall not be responsible for any decisions you may make resulting from the use of this App and any loss or damage occasioned by the use of any information in this App for any reason.
  4. Any dispute in relation to anything contained in this App that relates to benefit options and/or member benefits and exclusions will be resolved by reference to the registered rules of Genesis.
  5. When you enter and use this App you expressly agree to these terms and conditions.  If you do not accept these terms and conditions then exit this App immediately.
  6. All content on this App, including but not limited to logos, icons, images, text and graphics is the property of Genesis and is protected by South African law.  No portion of this App may be copied or transmitted by any means at any time without the express written consent of Genesis.  Genesis reserves the right to claim damages resulting from any breach of this clause.
  7. In these terms and conditions any reference to Genesis includes its trustees, offices, employees and consultants as applicable.